What Does Return To Normalcy Mean?
Will we ever get back to normal? Maybe. But it might be a new normal.
My mind recently has gone to Warren G. Harding's "Return to Normalcy" campaign slogan. What does return to normalcy mean? In that case, it was caused by a widespread upheaval from World War I and also the influenza pandemic of 1918-1919. I've been struck by this because of spring fever, which now has a new meaning, because of the increase in the coronavirus outbreaks.

This spring fever is probably caused by -- you guessed it -- spring COVID fever. These outbreaks have both a resurgence in hotspot areas as well as breakthroughs cases from the vaccine -- those are people who had the vaccine but still got the coronavirus, including deaths.
What does return to normalcy mean for this era? Right now, it means being able to leave my house and not have to be pissed off at the person behind me at grocery check-out line because he didn't social distance. And before anyone starts jumping on a political bandwagon, this is about basic, common manners. Get out of my personal space. Or, I guess, get out of my coronavirus space.
I've been decidedly not funny this past month, maybe because my mood has waxed and waned like the weather. Seriously, what's up with all the flip flopping temperatures? I haven't wanted to do much, either. (Although, I did get a Panera Bread coffee subscription in hopes to stave off the impending agoraphobia.) Along the lines of not doing anything, I haven't written much, either.
Although, I have eaten a lot of Chinese food. Not feeling doing anything? Order Chinese!
In that same vein, this newsletter is just a tad bit late today. :) Oops.
What Does Return To Normalcy Mean?
Answers are as individual as the people you ask, but my normalcy means that I get to eat Chinese food. No, seriously, I love Chinese food. But, of course, it's all about the Korean food. I think that a return to normalcy for me would mean that I get to go out for Korean BBQ at my favorite restaurant.
On the other hand ... and no offense to waitstaff ... but I've rather enjoyed not tipping. We've saved money, we are healthier and sans coronavirus, and we spend more time together. Did I mention we also don't need to tip ourselves?
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I bought Act of Vengeance by Audrey Walker. I'm doing a mailing list book swap for her -- she is mentioning me in her newsletter, and I am mentioning her in mine. Please check her out! I'd love to give her some of your attention. Can't wait to read it. I love to help out other authors.
We've slowly gone through Monk. Police procedural television shows drive me crazy with all their creative licenses on the law, but Tony Shalhoub knocks it out of the park so I can overlook all of that. He's just so great. I know the show is older, but it has nice comedy like a sitcom with the seriousness of a legal show.
I also added my DIY Bunny Ears guide for your pet! You too can dress up your animals in goofy costumes! You can make all sorts of different ears with this method, such as mouse ears (here's looking at you, Mickey), or make your doggy into a cat.