Welcome 2021
A big shoutout to the new year. It'll be better than the last. Here are some New Year's Resolutions 2021 for me.
First, I wanted to apologize that I've been incognito for a while. 2020 was a bad year for everyone, and we've needed to make some transitions as life changed around us. Many of my friends got the coronavirus. PA's governor, Tom Wolf, locked everyone down. And we've had to learn how to work from home.

But the extra time sans commute has also had some bright spots. I've taken more walks with Joe despite reports that it increases coronavirus (but the science is being questioned). We've also had many more cuddles now that I've been home full-time.
I also have a lot more time to write. Except, of course, when I decided to play Final Fantasy. What can I say. Moogles are super adorable, even if they happen to be Good King Moggle Mog going to give some us ass kickery.
New Year's resolutions are so cliché, but they seem to work, at least for like 8% of the people who commit to them. My New Year's resolution is all about more writing ... and more writing ... and more writing.

Ahem. I digress.
On the surface, it seems like I've been super lazy. (I'm also not denying laziness ...) I do have a lot of changes to roll out this year, including some updates to Joe's website, my writing website, posting more Instagram updates, some freebies on the site, and sending out a legal thriller short story -- the short story should happen within the next week or so. I hope you download it, and you like it. If you'd like, you can drop me a line and tell me what you think.
Hopefully, everyone will get a lot more of Joe. And that's a great thing.
The Last Amen by C.C. Jameson is free on the Kindle right now. Also, don't forget to get your Amazon Prime First Reads! (That’s a referral link! Thanks for your support!)
I'm watching Goliath on Amazon Prime starring Billy Bob Thornton (who plays a guy named Billy ... I always think that's strange when an actor plays a character with the same first name ... although, technically, yeah, his name is Billy not Billy Bob). Billy Bob is amazing, as always, and the legal thriller part doesn't want to make me hurl. So I recommend. ++
This has nothing to do with anything, but I've been reading this book called I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi. It is very good financial advice, and I am a fan of his writing style. However, he makes several mistakes with the section on college student loans, so be sure to do your research on the Income Based Repayment and Student Loan Forgiveness programs.
I'm also making a bunch of dog treats, and I will be sharing my recipes in another freebie. I will definitely email everyone out once the short book is done! It will feature some more pawesomely pawesome pictures of Joe.
If you'd like, you can subscribe to the paid version of my Substack newsletter. I haven't gotten around to making anything special for the paid version, so you'd mostly just be supporting me on my writing endeavors. But soon, I am going even more freebies for anyone who upgrades the subscription.
As always, thank you for your support and love! With these trying times, let's all give each other (virtual and germ-free) hugs.
Let me know if you are interested in the pattern for Joe's hoodie, which I made from recycled t-shirts.