It’s springtime, which meant that we need to clean up the yard in preparation for warm weather. The trees love to shed their branches in the winter, the grass needs to be fertilized and weeded, and my flower and garden beds need special compost that has been brewing since fall.

My husband and I celebrated our hard work by having a nice fire from all the dropped branches and the piles of shredded paper we saved all winter. Said fire happened the Saturday before Easter. From the fire and ashes … yada, yada, yada … I just like to burn stuff.
And burn stuff we did. We burned everything, the entire heaping pile of yard waste and old bills. I’m not sure if anyone else feels this way, but I get tremendous satisfaction in getting rid of stuff. Move over, Marie Kondo. Or maybe I just to burn stuff.
The thing about fires, at least fire pits, is that you can leave them to burn themselves out if you have the right set up. Just so we’re clear, I’m not advocating leaving a burning fire if you are on public property or camping. Just because I like to burn stuff doesn’t mean I want everything to burn. As Smokey Bear said, only you can prevent wildfires.
The problem was … the night before Easter was quite cold.
Which was unfortunate for one particular bunny. I found bunny’s floppy ears and face inside of the fire ring on Easter morning. I was convinced that I was cursed, as the bunny was a bad omen, and that I would reign hell fury and fire (hahaha, see what I did there?) on me for killing a bunny on Easter.
At least until the next time I wanted to burn stuff.
The Book Promos
One Night in Sedona by Carrie Latimer is currently 99 cents on the Kindle.
Seddy is attending a convention when a murder happens. She tries to put that awfulness behind her, but someone has another idea … her hotel room is ransacked, the local detective keeps hounding her, the chief of police is involved … and then someone tries to kill her.
Dead Cat, Run by Annabelle Lewis is on the Kindle.
Jenny Gallagher’s psychic abilities make her life rocky. Professor Maximus Dyer has the ability to see the past … but he can’t touch anyone. Sidrah Keeling’s foresight drives her to follow someone she doesn’t know. Turner Black is on the hunt for his antithesis. Their lives collide in this supernatural thriller.
I’m also participating in these FREE BOOK GIVEAWAYS this newsletter!
Grab a bunch of suspenseful books. Promotion ends May 14th.
Or how about a crime thriller? Through the end of May.
We also have a great all-genre humor giveaway, too, that ends May 19th.
Still doing some work on the blogs. :) Next time, I promise, I will have a new crafting tutorial for you.
This newsletter is in loving memory of Jinxy the cat, who passed over the rainbow bridge recently.