In some totally bizarro news, Lady Gaga’s two French bulldogs were stolen, after her dogwalker, Ryan Fischer, was shot. Mr. Fischer is expected to make a full recovery. And speaking of recovery, an unidentified woman claimed the $500,000 reward for the safe return of the dogs.

According to the news article, she had no involvement with the dog napping. How she ended up with the dogs has not been explained.
I want to blame the coronavirus for this event, maybe because they’ve been cooped up all winter long so when they get out in the sunshine, they do things they normally wouldn’t do, like tailgate me and follow me around in an enormous truck after I beeped my horn at them (after I almost collided with him because he was halfway in my lane), until I called 911 to report that a strange man was following me. For all the men out there reading this … don’t follow women around in your car, okay? Because that’s not road rage. That’s stupidity.
But the truth of the matter is … I can’t blame the coronavirus. Because people are messed up.
Lots of rumors have been floating around the doggy Instagram world, such as that Frenchies are valuable, or the ‘nappers knew Lady Gaga would offer a reward, or they had diamond collars on. For their part, dog walkers are now being more cautious.
All I can say is, Lady Gaga better pay that man another $500,000. Or at least $250,000 for saving the third dog.
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This newsletter, I am participating in the Spring Into a World of Mystery giveaway campaign. Supernatural Giveaway is also still active. Grab all your free books! If you didn’t grab my free short story, “Charlotte Watson and the Case of the Missing Bullet,” you can download it here.
I am rereading (at the bequest of my thesis director), Silence of the Lambs, particularly how Thomas Harris sets up the stakes of the Clarice Starling in the first chapter. So good. Too bad that the author ruined the series with the fourth book, Hannibal Rising. Bad. Just bad. The changes we made to my novel, Scorned, are so amazing. I can’t wait to finish the novel off!