Thanksgiving Smells
For the Thanksgiving holiday, my daughter went to her grandparents’ house with her father. Just think of all those Thanksgiving smells ...
For the Thanksgiving holiday, my daughter went to her grandparents’ house with her father. The Kid asked her father to stop at Burger King and buy her some French fries. She was in “the mood” for them. At any rate, her father refused to stop, which made The Kid mad. I mean, I would be mad too if my father, whom I saw about once a month, wouldn’t stop for French fries, either.

Hello, French fries. Enough said.
The Kid left her laundry in my dryer, and I folded it.
This is not a story about laundry.
But I did make the mistake of putting this laundry in her bedroom.
For anyone who is the parent of a teenager, you know exactly what I am talking about. It’s called eau de toilette d'adolescent, which is made up of equal parts hormones, acne, and teenager attitude. And this odor bitch slapped me as soon as I walked in The Kid’s room.
There is nothing quite like this smell except for the smell of other teenagers. When all the children were in school, I used to drive them back and forth between their various activities. I had to do so with the windows down because we might have crashed into a telephone pole while I used my hands to cover my nostrils instead of the steering wheel. Also, I’m not sure how high school teachers can even go to work. They need some hazard pay.
Apparently, once this smell has permeated into the bedroom, it’s impossible to remove.
I should know, because I tried. I installed not one, but two air purifiers. I even opened the window in the middle of the freezing air in November. And put a fan in the window to circulate. Scented candles. And then I got really desperate, and I sprayed Febreze.
All of those things combined could not completely eliminate the smell of teenager, but I did manage to make it not as strong.
That is, until she came back from her grandparents’ house.
I’m seriously considering upgrading the ventilation system in my house.
P.S. In case you are wondering, The Kid’s grandparents decided to have French fries for dinner. Her grandfather went out and bought a deep fryer and a bag of russet potatoes.
The Book Promos
This newsletter, I am participating in the All Genre Giveaway! A little something for everyone on your reading list.
Free Books. Almost as good as French fries.
By the way, starting next newsletter, I am going to be participating in more book giveaways and promos!
The Poll
Last newsletter, I had a poll of what people wanted to eat for T-Day. 100% of people who took the poll wanted turkey. Now, granted, only 6 people voted. But I guess turkey and Thanksgiving are synonyms!
I haven’t really done any reading or writing lately because I’m renovating an apartment. :)
But, if you like Boston Terriers and would like to support me, I made a couple of t-shirts. Let me know if you’d like me to make Joe shirts. I don’t have that many t-shirts to choose from, but I will add more if people want me to.
In the meantime, I thought I would report on some pressing world news:
A bear must have been scared of COVID too. It went into a 7-Eleven and used the hand sanitizer. Caught on video!
Just in time for the holiday travels, there was a woman breastfeeding on an airplane to the dismay of fellow travelers. Did I mention she was breastfeeding a cat? It would be my luck to be seated next to her.
A new study discovered that all cats have an element of psychopathy. That’s right up there with the study of water being wet.
The cryptocurrency-trading hamster Mr Goxx has sadly passed away.
Gunther, the multi-million dollar German Shepherd, is selling his house.
P.S. Keep sending me your pet pictures! I love them! :) Also, send some funny animal news my way for future newsletter installments.