The last few days, I have been reading Sea Storm by Andrew Mayne. Mr. Mayne writes a ton of books. In fact, I read all about it in his writing book titled How to Write a Novella in 24 Hours. I’m fairly certain that this insane man actually wrote a novella in 24 hours. I do know that he proclaimed to write about 50,000 books in one year. Okay, maybe, like 5. But still.

So many books. He has super #goals.
Anyway, three of these books are part of a series of the Underwater Investigation Unit in … FLORIDA. Sloan (the main character) talks all about ALLIGATORS. She dives. Underwater. With alligators swimming around.
Maybe she’s got some really big stones. Or she’s insane. Or maybe both. Did I mention the alligators?
But, I thought since she has really big stones, I’d feature her because yesterday #InternationalWomensDay
Sea Storm is about an investigation in the intentional sinking of a cruise ship Sea of Dreams.* This book is a like a living nightmare, folks. And we’re not even talking about the alligators anymore.
I’m talking about sinking cruise ships.
For their honeymoon, my husband and his ex-wife went on a cruise. When my husband proposed to me, he thought it might be fun to go on another cruise. This time, thankfully not with his ex-wife.
Our conversation went something such as this:
ME: I’m not getting on a cruise ship.
HIM: Why not? You love boats.**
ME: Haven’t you ever seen Titanic?
HIM: I think they’ve made ships safer since 1912.
ME: If the cruise ship sinks, I’m so letting go of your hand.
HIM: mumbles something under his breath about me being insane
ME: But it doesn’t matter, because I’m still not getting on a cruise ship.
FYI: The Estonia sank in 1994, killing like 800 people. The Costa Concordia ran into the shore in 2012, killing 32 people. And that’s not even including the Diamond Princess stranded at sea for 5 days because of COVID.
This is proof that I’m not insane.
At least about sinking cruise ships.
* So far, I like this book.
** I sailed competitively in college.
The Book Promos
We again have the wonderful Audrey Walker in her release Chasing Past. Audrey is a bestselling author. This series features Robin Matthews, and it’s now on prelease sale for 99 cents.
Next up is Secrets at Sandy Cove by Vanessa Jones. This is a beachside thriller (novella) you can get by signing up to the her mailing list.
Next up is Savage Plan by AJ Farris. This mystery is free on the Kindle Unlimited and 99 cents if you want to buy.
For giveaways, we have the Free Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Paranormal book promotion. There is a variety of stuff!
The second giveaway is named Strong Women. As the name implies, it features strong women. I’m excited for this one because yesterday was International Women’s Day. #InternationalWomensDay
I’m reading about an insane woman named Sloan in Sea Storm by Andrew Mayne. Hehehe.
Next up: Hidden Behind the Robe by Matt Graham, who will be doing a guest post on the Blawg. I’ll be writing up a review for his book for the Blawg too.
I’m watching season 4 of Grimm. The show is kind of a horror-twist to fairy tales. Makes me want to write a real horror twist to Little Red Riding Hood.
I also did a review of the Brother 1034DX, a serger machine.