We stayed at the Graduate Hotel during our short trip to Annapolis, MD. The hotel has this huge, five-story room that can be rented out for parties and conferences. The rooms are along the walls of this room, with tons of pictures on the walls. Like, all over the wall. Mostly of sailboats. (We even got an x-rated view of a woman undressing in her room. Close your windows, folks.)

The stay was just a “meh” during the pandemic. I think a lot of hotels have used the coronavirus as an excuse to discontinue all their amenities, such as coffee, housekeeping, and toiletries. Personally, I wanted something more than just a bed. Some place to sit to read and write would have been ideal. And something about being away from home excuses people from basic coronavirus etiquette, such as sitting next to each other. (I’m talking to you, rude guy who sat right next to me in the hotel lobby. Go breath on someone else.)
We are definitely thinking of moving to Annapolis in the future. The thing is, the DTA (down-town-area) is quite expensive. A side street, for a 2 bedroom home, was approximately one million dollars. You read that correctly. Sure, all the houses were probably haunted. But, still!
Once we got back home, the pictures on the wall definitely got me thinking about my financial goals, as in, how can I ever afford to own a two bedroom row home in haunted Annapolis? I’m taking some expert advice from the financial planners about visualizing your success. Success doesn’t have to be financial success, either. It can be all sorts of visualizing. I guess that’s where a vision board comes in.
I used to think that sort of thing was hokey, but now that I’m at home all the time, it might be great to see what my future would be like, pecking away at the keyboard.
Speaking of looking at things, how about sending a holiday card or writing a letter to a military person deployed? Okay, that was kinda lame. But they would like something to look at, instead of endless things of … whatever they look at.
Madhouse by Miguel Estrada, a horror novel is free right now on the Kindle!
For fright month, I’m rewatching The Haunting of Hill House on Netflix. So good! I love the family drama. If only there was a book this good. And I’m also reading The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson. And before you ask, no, the book doesn’t have all the family drama in it. That was definitely the television show’s invention. (The book really needed some drama in it …)
Let me know what you think about Thanksgiving holiday and the coronavirus. How are you intending to celebrate the holiday?