Today is #NationalPuppyDay so I thought I would do a newsletter about Joe as a puppy.

As an older dog, Joe is happy just to sleep in his bed (with the cat snuggled next to him). But as a youngster, he liked to run around … and run around … and run around. Boston owners know that the breed is full of energy. Kind of like the Energizer Bunny, including the hopping around and big ears.*
He still gets a little wind in the sails, if someone new comes to visit the house. And when I say “new,” I mean everyone else except for me. Including The Kid, if she ever travels outside her room. This said event usually happens once per day, or maybe twice if she needs me to do something for her.
For Joe, it’s like the first time he’s ever met her.
In case you are wondering, that’s her on the other side of the leash. Joe is still relatively the same size as her, though, because she was almost as little as he was back then.
I couldn’t find a good picture in time, but he used to do a back flip whenever he caught a tennis ball. He unfortunately is too sausage-like to do that anymore, though.
What stories do you have about your puppy? (Send me a picture, and I will feature yours in a future newsletter!)
* Joe is missing the drum, though.
The Book Promos
The book freebie today is Ghost Witch P.I. by Lucia Kuhl. About how spirits and animals are constantly watching out for humans, so we don’t die on a daily basis. “Sounds about right,” is what I imagine Joe saying.
The first free giveaway promo is Save the Day! … this promo features books where the hero or heroine saves the day.
Next up is the Mystery Giveaway, which … you guessed it … features free mysteries!
For those of you who need a little paranormal romance, we have an all-new Paranormal & Fantasy Romance giveaway. Also, *spoiler* … my next short-story featuring Charlotte Watson (available sometime in June) will feature Charlotte, her ex-husband, and … someone special. Readers to the newsletter will get another free read!
Last but not least, we have Looking for Sheroes: An All-Genre Giveaway for Stories with Strong, Positive Heroines!
I’m a little behind because we’re renovating an apartment for sale right now. So I’m still reading Hidden Behind the Robe by Matt Graham. But we managed to get to Season 5 of Grimm.
And I relaunched Joe’s Instagram account! Perfect timing for #NationalPuppyDay
I’m not entirely ready yet, but I’m going to launch the free sewing pattern library for my newsletter readers. Let Go of Being Perfect blog readers will get a free sewing pattern each month. More details coming soon.