This year was the first time that I will participate in NaNoWriMo. Okay, so that was a lie. I participated like a gazillion years ago, but (like most things in my life), I forgot about it until after it was over.

Well, I’m more mature now. And by mature, I mean old.
For those who aren’t familiar with NaNoWriMo, tons of people get together to write 50,000 words in the month of November. You don’t win anything except perhaps bragging rights. “Winners,” aka the people who wrote 50,000 words, get to get some discounts by sponsoring companies. And bragging rights. Did I mention the bragging rights.
I’m at about 7,000 words into my book, Breaker of Dreams, a book about Annie Totter and Derrick Rickard (although, I might change his last name, as someone from my writing group pointed out to me that the name is funny … seriously, I suck at coming up with names … is there such as things as name suckage syndrome? More importantly, how did I manage to name my children something, like, not North West?).
I’ve discovered, though, that even if I don’t “win,” I can write lots and lots and lots of words. I can write. I am a writer. And, I haven’t “lost” if I don’t complete the 50,000 word goal. That’s because I tried.
And being successful at anything is trying until you win. Someone famous must have said that!
Holy macaroni, a man houses like 300 dogs during a hurricane. All I can say is … bow wow.
Every Reasonable Doubt by Pamela Samuels Young is available on the Kindle for free right now. And I finally managed to buy (and started to read) The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson. The book has been difficult to get into, mostly due to the large amount of exposition in the first half. The movie was much better. Hail Lisbeth, the avenging angel of women everywhere who had to take some man’s shit just because he’s a man. Btw, the t-shirt in that movie is awesome.
I started watching How To Get Away With Murder on Netflix. I love the premise of this show, and I love, love, love Viola Davis. Since I have several seasons to go through (and I don’t watch that much television), you’ll probably see this on my “watching” list for quite some time. Especially with NaNoWriMo!
I’m really liking the newest beta version of Scrivener, but seriously, these people from Literature & Lattes have taken so long for their Windows beta release. Talk about a case of perfectionism.