Mrs. Scrooge 's Solution To The National Supply Shortage
The ghosts of Christmas Past, Present, and Yet To Come
I do not like Christmas, mostly because I think the holiday has gotten over-the-top. Everyone seems to want to keep up with the Joneses,* comparing the latest things they received. Or listening to Christmas music two months early, or seeing your neighbors decorate their houses before Halloween. My dislike has dubbed me the nickname “Mrs. Scrooge.”

* Particularly over-the-top to me are the “Christmas haul” videos that I see on Instagram, outlining exactly how much stuff a person gets for Christmas.
Personally, I think Ebenezer Scrooge was cheap,** and he hated children. Neither of which I am afflicted with. But, I digress.
We’re currently in a National Supply Shortage, so important that I used capital letters to describe it. Everyone is basically blaming the coronavirus, added with the increase demand (I blame Amazon for that), which, if we’re being honest with ourselves, is because we’ve been trapped inside all the time because of the coronavirus. Let’s then add some employment shortages to the mix, also blaming coronavirus. (Wall Street Journal calls this the “great reassessment.”)
In short, everything is the fault of coronavirus.
To combat this supply shortage issue, stores tell us that we need to start shopping NOW in case the National Supply Shortage means you can’t get your Christmas gifts in time for Christmas. And when I mean “stores,” I really mean Amazon.
But, oh, woe is me! Instagrammers might not have an appropriate video to share about their Christmas hauls if we don’t start shopping right NOW!
I have a more long-term solution to this problem. A better, more practical idea.
Let’s move “Black Friday” to the day after Halloween.
Yeah, I do realize that I’m a week late in announcing my solution. That’s just me procrastinating. Which is something I cannot do this year because I may not be able to get anything at all the day before Christmas. (The day I used to actually do all my Christmas shopping, when we had a mall to shop in. Remember Christmas Vacation? Good times.)
I also think “Black” might be more appropriate for a spooky holiday rather than the nice, warm, and fuzzy Thanksgiving where we sit around and hold hands. You know, witches and stuff.
Of course, “Black” could also refer to the black eye you are always in danger of getting after everyone starts talking politics around the Thanksgiving table.
As for me, I’m hoping that my local grocery store has gift cards to Amazon still in stock the day before Christmas.
** I categorize myself as “frugal” rather than “cheap,” which I define with an example. “Frugal” means that I cut coupons. “Cheap” is someone who refuses to buy anything unless with a coupon.
The Book Promos
This newsletter, I’ve joined Bewitching Humor for funny paranormal stories. Right up my alley, right? A whole lot of stories just like mine! I know it’s supposed to be for Halloween – sorry I procrastinated – but they are still available.
Funny and Spooky = Awesome.
A lot has happened in the past month!
First, I launched my web site called The Legal Bottom Line ( Mostly, I am going to review legal books, movies, and television shows, with the occasional sprinkling of explaining current events. For example, I explained what the charges behind Brian Laundrie’s arrest warrant were. I’ve got more stuff coming! Let me know if you have a topic you want me to discuss.
I am not a huge John Grisham fan, but I am currently reading The Whistler. I am planning on putting up a review on the web site once I finish it.
Speaking of legal fiction, I’ve dedicated myself, for one year, to reading the genre and watching court drama television shows. This is mostly because I can then review them for my web site (see above), but also because it’s nice to know what other attorneys have up their sleeves.
Also, I got featured on a tweet! The awesome creators of Revue liked My Life With Joe!
Finally, keep sending those pictures of your furry (or even not so furry) animals! I’d love to feature them. Be sure to send me a funny or cute story to go along with it. If I haven’t featured your baby yet, don’t worry. Your story is coming! (I can’t wait!)

All About Pepper
Pepper’s owner says: My beautiful little gift Pepper - who is now 6 months - his grandparents Tortie - 17 and Smokey 18 - supervise and teach her and spoil her like real grandparents - someone forgot to tell these three they are not people.