Recently, I visited my friend in New Jersey. I was acutely reminded of when I moved to Pennsylvania. That’s because I am allergic to the state. Literally.

By the way, a digression. I am writing this post while waiting for The Kid’s (medical) test to come back. So please forgive my fat fingers if I mistype something … also, today’s newsletter will be short because of being here. :)
I am in a writing group, and we make trips to see each other. To write and to drink lots of coffee. Coffee and writing is a pretty awesome combination. My last trip was to Florida, which was absolutely fabulous.
I have some mild allergies, but nothing too bothersome. Except when I travel over the state line to New Jersey.
Google Maps does not have to welcome me to the state because I already know I arrived. My sinuses immediately plugged up, along with the dozens of near death experiences from the other drivers on the Turnpike.
You guessed it. I immediately felt better once I crossed back over to Pennsylvania.
That may or may not have been the relief I felt getting off the Turnpike.
The Book Promos
First up, we have Parents Don’t Approve by Peyton Dinwiddie. A kidnapping mystery featuring PI Marcus. Did I mention it was free?
We next have Eleven by Briana Morgan. This book is a bit of paranormal fun.
And Goodbye Port Alma by Anne Shillolo, which is a crime fiction. On the Kindle, for free!
We also have a Mystery & Crime story giveaway.
And Free Free Free … as the name implies, all free books. I like the image, by the way.
Last but not least, we have free horror reads!
I’m reading Atomic Habits by James Clear. It’s been a fun book to read, mostly because I need to get my act together and get organized. Remember how I said writing and coffee are like peas and carrots? That’s because I like coffee. In Atomic Habits, I learned that pairing something that you need to do (like writing) with something that you want to do (like drinking coffee) makes you more likely to do what you need to do.
Also, remember to squish that cat. This advice comes in handy as we are cat-sitting three very large cats. And when I say large, I meant that when I moved the sofa, the cat went along with it because it was too big for the underneath.