Hoppy Easter, Everyone!
Here comes Joe with no tail Hopping down the bunny trail Hippity hop Hippity hop Hippity hoppity on his way!
I was going to do a post about zombies today, but then I realized that it was Easter.* So I felt that I needed to write the obligatory Easter post.

*I only realized that it was Easter because my friend asked me if I wanted to have a chocolate bunny.
My daughter works at a pet store, and she reported that this weekend was super busy as people were buying their pets all sorts of Easter treats and toys for their Easter baskets. This comes as no surprise to me, as America is now seeing a rise of childless couples. More importantly, though, my obsessions about dressing up my dog and taking Instagram pictures of him has become normal as more and more people are thinking that dressing up their dogs in ridiculous outfits is cool.
That means that I've become cool. I finally became one of the popular kids in high school.
My newfound popularity** has spurred me to new heights of silliness. I thought to myself, Self, you could really use more stupid posts about DIY bunny ears for dogs. People would think you are super cool.***
Unfortunately, I'm still disorganized. I swear that I have calendar dyslexia, and I also swear I'm not using my self-diagnosis to excuse my disorganization. Okay, well, maybe a little. But, calendar dyslexia is a real thing. I just haven't gotten around to actually making said post about the DIY bunny ears for your doggy. (I did get to take a photograph of Joe in his bunny ears, as you can see.) But, I promise I'll get that out this week.
**I am popular in my mind, which may or may not be reality.
***The dog, on the other hand, thinks modeling bunny ears is so not cool.
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This newsletter, I am participating in two free book giveaways, Get Out of My Dreams and Spring Into A World Of Mystery. I entered my short story, "Charlotte Watson and The Missing Bullet" for free. Check them all out for a month long worth of reading to add to the to-read list.
You might be able to tell that I changed (back) over to Mailerlite. I love Substack but decided that they just don't have the features that I need. Sorry if that confuses people even more! I might change back to them in a year, once I get my act truly together. But right now, I just didn't have it in me to constantly be juggling around different email addresses from one platform to another.
This week, I finished off The Light Through the Leaves, by Glendy Vanderah. I gave this book two stars out of five because the ending felt wholly unsatisfactory. I like my characters to make a transformation, to either be better or worse by the end of the novel. But this transformation must come from the decisions made. Not only did Ellis not make a transformation, but everything that happened to her was the result of other people making decisions. I've been increasingly dissatisfied with Amazon Prime reading books, and Amazon's shipping, so I'm considering canceling my Prime membership.