Today, I decided to remind all of my readers that tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. If you are like me, then you’re welcome. I just saved your marriage/relationship/it’s complicated. While we are at it, here is a list of homemade Valentine’s Day card ideas for you.

I know lots of people like Valentine’s Day, but this holiday is special to me. We had a sad time in our country’s history when two people of different races were not allowed to get married. That prohibition ended with Loving v. Virginia. I did a case review on it for you today, being that it’s the day of love and all.
This does not mean that I actually remember this holiday. I usually remember that I need to “be thoughtful” approximately 30 minutes before my husband arrives home (or, if Valentine’s Day lands on the weekend, 30 minutes before stops working out).
This post is for all of you people out there who love your significant other but are a total airhead.
Steal all of your kids (or grandkids) construction paper. Write something you once heard from a sappy love movie.
Login to ChatGPT. Ask it to make you a Valentine’s Day poem. Print out said poem.
Decide that ChatGPT poem stinks. Ask it to finish this poem instead: Roses are red, violets are blue …
Only think of that stupid Barney song. No, you really can’t use that one.
Find glitter glue in the desk. Draw a big heart with it on the construction paper.
Decide to make some roses out of tinfoil.
Decide that tissue paper is a much better way to go.
They came out like crap. You got this. Make some more.
Login to Canva. They gotta have some shit that’s good.
Look on Pixabay, Pexels, and Unsplash for a nice photo.
Photos! What a good idea! Raid your phone for some cute photos of both of you.
You don’t have any cute photos of the two of you together. Need more photos of the two of you together!
Print out a photo of your significant other. Use the glitter glue to make a heart around his/her face.
Print out a meaningful poem that you found on the internet.
Decide all of these idea suck because your significant other will know you forgot it was Valentine’s Day. Go to the store. Swear at all the Hallmark cards costs like $200 each. Buy one anyway. Because that’s love, baby.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Today, I resurfaced one of my old blog posts and published it on my Substack. Check out my Loving v. Virginia Supreme Court post. Loving legalized interracial marriage.
I also imported the Lawrence v. Text Supreme Court post. Lawrence legalized who you can bring into your bedroom.
Who loves ya, baby?