Thanksgiving ... er, I mean, Pupsgiving ... was declared by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War and eventually evolved to what we know today. So first of all, Happy Pupsgiving 2020 to all my readers!

Here in America, we celebrate to remember peace, love, and family. This is my favorite time of year, in large part to my brother-in-law, who cooks for the big day. The turkey and all the fixings come out perfect each year. He’s just that awesome. Spending the day together is one of the greatest gifts. I always fall asleep on his sofa post-turkey. Napping. Good times.
This time of year always turns to politics and football, but maybe more politics because football is … I don’t even know. We also have that crazy relative. For many of us, we have to split our time between divorced families. Or not having your kids because you are divorced.
My brother-in-law called us up the other day to ask if we would be in attendance this year because of Covid, to which we replied, “Of course!” I intend to keep my social distance but also eat lots of turkey. Oh, yes, I also plans to write. A lot. I’m still in NaNoWriMo. I may stab out my eyeballs with a pencil here, folks. But not until I finish my 50k.
Here’s a small act of kindness during this wonderful weekend of thanks: Give someone a push. (Just not into oncoming traffic.) Or maybe you’d like to volunteer for Thanksgiving even during the pandemic.
Also, Irreparable Harm by Melissa F. Miller, is free on the Kindle right now. Looks good.
I haven’t gotten much farther with How To Get Away With Murder on Netflix, but I’m loving it! And for all things legal-ish, John Grisham has been doing some short stories, so I wanted to share Witness to a Trial, which is only 99 cents.