‘Twas the night before Christmas,
When all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring,
Not even a mouse.

The stocking were hung,
By the chimney with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas
Would soon be there.
But, it was not to be,
And the cat was nigh,
Soon that little mouse
Went bye-bye.
That’s because the cat,
Was a predator, you see.
And left the f'n mouse,
Next to my Christmas tree.
Buried under the presents,
Hidden to not show,
Because it wasn’t wrapped,
Underneath the tree bough.
Oh, but I screamed,
Into the house to no avail.
Because the poor creature
Was dead as a door nail.
The Book Promos
This newsletter, I am showing off the lovely Audrey Walker, who wrote The Butcher’s Head featuring Robin Matthews. I’ve said this before: we need more awesome female character leads. I would appreciate if everyone checked Audrey’s stuff out!
I’m also participating in a free book giveaway for the holidays, titled appropriately Christmas Giveaway. It’s a multi-genre thing, and maybe you can find something good to pick up for the time off.
I hope everyone had a wonderful, safe, and happy holiday. No matter what you celebrate, and where in the world you are.
These past two weeks, I published a legal view book review of Suzanne Redfearn’s Moment in Time on my blawg (coming soon). I also wrote a summary of Roe v. Wade, as the whole Texas thing is in the Supreme Court right now.
More legal book reviews are coming up on the blawg in the New Year. In fact, it’s my new year’s resolution (to read more legal fiction thrillers and write on them on the blawg). Drop me an email (just hit “reply”) if you’d like me to blawg about a legal topic that you are interested in.